Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Becca

Today is my 37th birthday. Wow, how time starts to fly the older you get. In the words of Andy Rooney.....Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to the end you get, the quicker it goes!!!!" So very true. I have decided to try to enjoy the last half of my life than I have the first half. I'm not saying it has been horrible but I've had a lot of hurt and lost a lot of people in my life. Seems every time things started looking up I would experience a loss or a tragedy. It's all in your outlook and perspective. It's not just sitting around and giving up but saying "What can I make good out of this situation?" Since my mom's wreck I have really learned to appreciate the small things in life. I notice things I didn't before. I just enjoy walking outside and smelling the fresh air or noticing a flower that has managed to grow up through a crack in the concrete. God has given us so many beautiful things and so often we walk right by them and never even notice that they are there. As I sit here watching physical therapy helping my mom to learn to stand up on her on again I am reminded of how precious each second of life is. She is 66 and having to learn everything all over. Today I was given the greatest give ever.....I was given another day with my precious mother.

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