Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Jacob

17 years ago today I was in the back of an ambulance praying that I made it to the hospital in time. I thought EMT's were trained in delivery babies but I guess not. The look on the poor guys face and the fact that he was pounding on the window and screaming at the driver to hurry up was a big indicator that he had no clue!!! It was the blizzard of 94....no electricity and snow knee deep. No one could get anywhere and of course my child decides it's his time to make his beloved entrance into this world. The ambulance drive...not so fun but worth getting to the hospital and seeing my son's face for the first time. It's been a wonderful 17 years. Christopher has always been my quiet, big hearted, loving child. Not a minute of trouble out of him. I'm extremely proud of him and can't wait to see what he makes of himself. He has big dreams of heading to Georgia and becoming a lawyer. We had his birthday dinner on Sunday and I had an awesome time with the kids and his girlfriend. So, 2011 is on a roll...already 4 days into it. I have been thinking a lot about how to make this year a great one. I know we can't choose the hand we are dealt and sometimes have to just roll with the punches. I just know this year has to be better than last year. I've decided to make a list and try my hardest to achieve every goal I set on it.....but if I don't then not to be too hard on myself. So here it goes:
1. Thank God everyday for all the blessings he has given to me
2. Start back to school and make awesome grades
3. Give myself at least 30 minutes of me time everyday
4. Give up my cokes entirely
5. Carry a healthy and happy baby
6. Learn more patience with my kids
7. Take a mini vaca....get away for one weekend
8. Have date night once a month with Kyle
9. Strive to be more optimistic and not so pessimistic
10. Move to a new place...maybe out of state
12. Get my final tattoo, lol....a beautiful owl (okay so this one is just for fun)
That's what I have planned.....and I'm striving to do before the end of 2011. Everyone needs to try and find the beauty in living....

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