Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eat, Pee, Poop, Sleep...and repeat

Oh the first few exciting days after bringing baby home.....No sleep for mommy! I decided with this baby to breastfeed...what a decision. Miss Hallie is a very hungry little gal. She stays on the boob from sun up to sunset. I am not exaggerating here. I never knew my boobs could be so sore or so large. I also didn't know that they could leak that much...especially when I attempt to go out in public (which I must say is very difficult while breastfeeding). I have pretty much sat on the couch with my ever present boppy attached to my side with little Hal on top of it. I have become an avid t.v. watcher over the last few days. Learning to use my pump has become the highlight of the day. I must say the look on Kyle's face was priceless when he walked in on me holding those cone shaped little things attached to each boob. This little critter of mine has a schedule of eating, peeing, pooping, and sleeping. This schedule repeats itself all day long...and all night long minus the sleeping part. She happens to require lots of food and little sleep. That is okay because we love our bonding time at 2am watching repeat episodes of House Hunters. I may complain but honestly I wouldn't trade a minute even if it is at the butt crack of dawn. So, as I end this I would like to tell you a few things that "they" don't tell you about breastfeeding!!

**Your first experience breastfeeding may not be what you expected! As you lay there trying to recover from the watermelon sized baby you just expelled from your loins a nurse takes your boob and shoves it into your watermelon's mouth and just like that you two are glued together and it happens even though you have no clue what you are doing.
**No matter how many "breastfeeding" books you read no one can prepare you for the journey ahead or the fact that your boobs are going to become a public display(to visitors, nurses, housekeeping, lactation consultants, even the neighbor next door who comes in your room by accident)the days following birth. (And I was one that never let the girls see the day of light!)
**It hurts! Oh yeah, I know there was a few times I cringed. I just held my breath until I got her latched on right. The nipples...well they crack and cracking hurts. So, stock pile some lanolin cause it works.
**Be prepared to feed 95% of the least my little one does. She is latched on to me all day and night. Grab whatever you need before you start feeding....something to drink, the remote, the phone, a book.....maybe even a potty chair! Just kidding on that one.
**Be prepared for everyone to give you "their opinion" on "your" breastfeeding. Just know that everyone is an expert or at least they think they are.
**Know that chances are when you hear another little lovely even if he or she is not yours that your boobs kick into mommy milk making time and there is nothing you can carry extra boob pads.

These are just a few of the surprises that I learned....and there are many more. However these are little sacrifices to pay. The rewards of breastfeeding are much higher. The most enjoyable thing for me is looking into my sweetie's eyes while she lovingly gazes back at me. It is such an amazing feeling. So if you are thinking about it go for it. I am so glad I did!

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