Thursday, February 17, 2011

time to catch up!

Gosh, it seems I haven't written in ages. I guess life just gets too busy sometimes. I have been totally exhausted here lately. Went to see my baby doctor yesterday. The baby's heart beat was 150 and very strong. He says now that I'm in my second trimester things should be smooth sailing. Well, all I can say is how about we switch bodies until August?? I did finally pass the point of vomiting everyday and having uncontrollable nausea. However, I am still as moody as can be and tired as ever. I feel much better in the early morning but by afternoon I am ready for napping. I posted an ultrasound pic which was taken several weeks ago. I'm excited because Kyle and I scheduled an appointment at Precious View to have a 4D ultrasound on March 4th. We will finally know for sure what we are having. I did the at home intelligender test and it said we are expecting a baby boy. I guess we will see if they are right. Mom, btw, is doing pretty good after her surgery. The doc took out her NG tube yesterday and she is able to have liquids now. We are hoping she will be able to come home in a week. She has been more like herself since the surgery. I'm so thankful to God for sparing her. The last week or so I have fought my depression tooth and nail. I have missed my dad terribly. I went to the cemetary the other night because it is where I feel the closest to him. I have been feeling him around here lately...crazy?? I don't know. I guess it is due to the fact that the anniversary of his death is in March. He will have been gone two years on March 11th and my brother will have been gone 22 years on March 25th. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you will get over it because you don't. I miss them both and wonder how life would be if they were here with me. Kyle tries so hard to help me through the depression. Last night he called me back to the bedroom where he had lit 50 candles all around the room. He told me how much I meant to him and just laid beside me. He is a miracle in my life. It's funny how you look back on your life and the mistakes you made. The struggles you faced all seem worth it now that someone has come into your life to make it a much happier place. He puts my happiness before his own. I have never met a man like that (except my dad and brother) in my life. Well, we are supposed to start moving next week. I am so excited to get out of here and start over so to speak. A new house and a new life. It has been super stressful trying to pack. I feel the house is in shambles right now and my OCD is driving me crazy, lol. I just have to say that I am a total wreck right now but I am so happy with the people in my life. Kyle and my kids are my reason for smiling and I will continue to smile no matter what. Hmmm, I guess I have rattled enough for one day. I need to get off here and start some laundry.....since it is climbing the walls. Much Love....Peace, Love, and Daisies!!

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